
如何提高 AirPods 的电池寿命?



切换到无线网络,无论我们谈论的是鼠标、扬声器还是耳机,无疑是一个方便的解决方案:我们谁喜欢担心电缆缠结并浪费时间解开它们?但是,免得过于花哨,这样的无线网络也有缺点,其中最明显的就是电池。今天我们将向您展示如何延长 AirPods 的电池寿命。看看我们在本指南中描述的方式,享受更长的AirPods 性能。

AirPods battery

Wireless earphones Apple AirPods have primary battery life of about five hours before you have to put them back into the box for charging. This is the time when you can't listen to music, but at least you can do it wherever you want, including while traveling. But after about 24 hours, the case itself will be discharged and then you have to reach for the mains plug. However, is there a way to make the earbuds last longer between charges? We have good news for you because YES! In this article, we present some tips to help you extend your AirPods battery life.


 How long do AirPods last?

Apple says AirPods earbuds should last about five hours if you're playing music, or about two hours of talk time before needing to be recharged. The charging case, on the other hand, should last for around 24 hours or 11 hours of talk time.
If you are seeing your battery time significantly lower than this, your AirPods may be faulty. You can contact Apple Support to check for battery repair or buy a new pair. Before you do that, however, please read the tips in our article.

 How do I extend my AirPods battery life?

Here are some handy tips to help you maximize the battery life of your AirPods earbuds. Read this entire guide to learn how to extend your AirPods battery life.

 1. Hold AirPods in their case

As a general rule, you should always put AirPods the case when not in use - it is also good protection against damage and loss. Of course, this won't improve your overall battery life, but it will mean your earbuds will always stay charged and you'll have more time to listen before recharging again.

2. Don't play with the case

Apple informs that constantly opening and closing the case can reduce the battery charge. So try not to do that.

3. Use one handset at a time

If you're listening to one earbud instead of both, you're using half the power you normally would - and since one earbud charges while the other is working, you never have to stop listening to music as long as the case itself is drained.
Maybe and the resulting mono sound is not exactly what you expect when you have spent a considerable amount of money on AirPods and now you are forced to switch between the left and right ear, but it's better than nothing, and easy to learn compromise, if battery life is the problem.
Also note that several people listen to music this way, for example while cycling, as it allows you to be more aware of the potential dangers in the world around you.


4. Beware of extreme temperatures

As we know the batteries run worse in extremely high or low temperatures - and such conditions can also cause long-term damage. Try to keep your AirPods out of direct sunlight if possible.

5. Remove smart functions

As the AirPods belong to Apple, like any device, it has some smart functions that are useful but not essential.

You can turn off automatic ear detection on a paired iPhone: go to Settings> Bluetooth, tap AirPods, then tap Auto Ear Detection so it turns white.
However, if you do, you must remember to turn off the music manually when you take out the buds,otherwise you will waste battery power unnecessarily.
With the additional features, try not to use double touch, unless you really need it.

6. Reduce the volume

A set of AirPods playing music at low volume will last slightly longer than a pair playing music at the highest volume. Additionally, listening at low volume levels will not negatively affect your hearing as if you had the volume control to the max.
However, keep in mind that AirPods use more power for things like Bluetooth than for drivers, so expect the battery savings to be minimal.

7. Get a powerbank

If you've followed the tips mentioned above and are still not satisfied with the battery life of your AirPods, there's nothing else we can do about it. Be prepared to spend some money on a good quality powerbank that will be enough for multiple recharges.
Also, note that the AirPods charging case has a Lightning port, so make sure you're prepared for it: either get a powerbank with its own dedicated Lightning cable, or make sure to bring your own USB-Lightning cable.

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