Механічні клавіатури Akko: огляд

Недійсний IMEI.

Akko — це компанія, яка виробляє механічні клавіатури та аксесуари та відома тим, що виготовляє продукти з чудовою якістю збірки. Akko є порівняно новою компанією в індустрії механічних клавіатур, яка почала свою діяльність у 2016 році та швидко набирає популярності завдяки своїм пропозиціям середнього та нижчого рівня, які містять багато функцій.

Akko’s keyboards are constructed with high quality components such as double shot PBT keycaps and switches developed using German manufacturing techniques. As for the keyboards, they can be slim and compact with the 60% of the layout or wide-sized ones with a numpad included.

Akko Keyboard Features

Some standout features of Akko keyboards include:

Premium Keycaps

Some Akko keyboards also have double-shot thick PBT plastic keycaps as stock. PBT is more resistant to the usual ABS keycap and acquires a pleasant rattle after a while. The keycaps are molded in a double shot process for legend that is sharp and could last longer.

Hot-Swap Sockets

Akko keyboards are commonly used in hot-swap switch sockets design. This is especially helpful in that it enables you to replace these switches without having to solder anything. Users can also test different switch types to find out how the weapon feels and the sound it produces.

RGB Lighting Effects

As for the aesthetics, one would be glad to learn that the Akko keyboards feature RGB backlights for those users who seek style. The Akko software contains already prepared effects, but it also allows choosing the color and an animation type.

Solid Construction

Even plastic parts such as the switch housings and metal back plates are built to be very durable so you can get years of constant use out of an Akko keyboard.We also provide the aluminum case.These are subtle yet significant details that give a touch of luxury to the typing experience.

Akko Europe - Regional Support

To expand its operation and market its products effectively within the European continent, Akko incorporated Akko Europe in the same year, 2022. Akko Europe is a reliable company for supporting keyboard customers in Europe.

Native Language Support 

The team behind Akko Europe is also available to assist customers in different European languages such as English, French, Germans, and Spanish. This makes it easier for the Akko keyboard owners to get their questions answered as the rest of the questions are answered randomly.

EU-Compliant Cables

Every Akko Europe keyboard comes with cables that have connectors with all EU standard features. The cables are built for compatibility with the European electrical connection ports.

European RMA Service

If there are any problems regarding an Akko keyboard, the European customers can directly return the products through Akko Europe and they will not be charged the international shipping fees. Easy to return customer services become fast and easy.

Brief list of Akko Keyboard models

Currently, Akko offers a huge variety of different mechanical keyboard designs to meet everyone’s preferences and affordable price range. Here is the list of their most favorite and highly rated keyboards that are being used by many professionals.

Akko MU01

The Akko MUO1 Wooden keyboard is a blend of traditional design and contemporary innovation, and it stands out with wooden build and proper mechanical switches. Every keyboard is a true masterpiece in its design and build, providing not only an aesthetically pleasing look but also solidity and durability. The grain of the wood used in making these keyboards is also unique to every keyboard produced, hence the uniqueness of every individual keyboard.

This keyboard is targeted for such individuals who love the feeling and looks of wooden keyboards and at the same time want to enjoy the build quality and performance provided by Akko’s mechanical switches. The MUO1 Wooden keyboard represents Akko’s dedication to combining Materiality and Utility for a premium typing surface, wherein an old material meets a modern need.

Akko M0D 007B HE PC Magnetic keyboard

Of all the mechanical keyboards, Akko HE Magnetic keyboards deserve a special mention since they use magnetic levitation switch technology which makes the keyboards even more unique with a smooth and faster keystroke. These keyboards are designed carefully with intent that it can be used by gaming lovers as well as professional typists and there is no issue with performances or looks.

The absence of physical buttons allows for less wear and tear, thereby increasing the durability of the keyboard, and the backlit RGB lighting plus the clean look of the keyboard makes it appropriate as an aesthetic addition for any PC or gaming rig.

Magnetic switches have been employed to minimize the contact between the actuating mechanism and the switch, thus increasing the durability. With its sleek, modern design and superior functionality, the Akko MOD HE PC Magnetic keyboard stands out as a top-tier choice for those seeking reliability, style, and advanced technology in their typing peripherals.

Akko HE Magnetic keyboards

The Akko HE Magnetic keyboards are a distinctive addition to the mechanical keyboards with the feature of magnetic levitation switch technology which lends itself to a uniquely smooth keystroke and actuation speed. These keyboards are designed diligently to target both the gamers and the typists where the look and feel are as important as performance.

Separate magnetic switches help in the low wearing of the keys and prolong the lifetime of the keyboard This, coupled with customizable RGB lighting and a sleek design of the keyboard make it ideally suited for any gaming and/or working setup.

The magnetic switches ensure reduced wear and tear, extending the keyboard's lifespan, while the customizable RGB lighting and sleek design make it a stylish addition to any setup. Akko's dedication to quality and innovation is evident in the HE Magnetic series, positioning it as a top choice for those seeking superior functionality and durability in their keyboards. 

Why should we choose an Akko keyboard?

In particular, people who want a contemporary mechanical keyboard with all the bells and whistles will find Akko worth a look and relatively affordable. Before you choose your next keyboard, consider these Akko strengths:Before you choose your next keyboard, consider these Akko strengths:

Premium Quality

Right from the solid keycaps to switches that have been tuned for performance and the robust metal back plate, Akko builds their keyboards to the highest standards. You are getting quality mechanical keyboards like more expensive brands.

Extensive Feature Sets

That said, the Akko keyboards offer some of the features that enthusiast users look for such as hot-swap sockets for swapping switches on the fly or per-key RGB lighting for putting the desktop out there in a custom-made way with the software.

Cost-Effective Upgrade

There are many keyboards that may look like they are mechanical but they are actually a lot cheaper and have made compromises on the material as well as what they are designed to do. Mech keyboards offer value, and while Akko nails this category with an amazing mech keyboard feel at reasonable prices, membrane keyboards are not a bad choice for upgrading either.

Are you eager to read more about improving your understanding of mechanical keyboards? Visit Akko Europe now to see the latest Akko models which could be just your type!

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