Razones para tener una velocidad de Internet rápida

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En un mundo acelerado como este, solo es necesario que tengamos un Internet igualmente acelerado para estar al día con todo lo que nos rodea. Ya sea para comprar en línea, jugar juegos, reservar una habitación de hotel o asistir a una videollamada, necesitamos una conexión a Internet para estar al día. Ya no es suficiente tener un buen proveedor y una conexión a Internet confiable. La gente necesita más que eso. Quieren los mejores planes con las velocidades más altas y buenos precios también.

So, is this the right time to upgrade your internet connection? Most definitely it is! If you have had the same internet connection for a while now, you might want to look into other options since there must be better options available in the market now. If you are content with your ISP, then just look at their other plans, maybe with more benefits or a higher speed. While you’re at it, you should check out Xfinity Internet plans on its official website. So, let’s take a look at the reasons you need to have a fast internet connection!

Fast Internet

Better Remote Working Experience

Faster internet automatically means a better remote working experience. As we all have already witnessed and lived through the COVID pandemic, we observed that a lot of offices and stores shifted to working from home. While the circumstances were unfortunate, they helped us to learn something. Despite conditions improving, many offices chose to remain with the work-from-home model. Some offices changed to a hybrid model. The reason for this is that employers came to realize that people can be even more productive when they are working from home. This was also recently proved by a study performed by Stanford that proved the productivity rate went up 13% when people were working from home for straight nine months. So, keeping this in mind, it is understandable that some employers don’t mind when their employees work from home. But, to ensure that you have a smooth working experience, you need a speedy internet connection.

Easier Media Sharing

Social media happens to play a big role in our lives and it is almost daily that we upload something and share it with others. And not only that, there are people who make a living out of posting regularly on social media. Of course, you must know about it: Bloggers and influencers. Even brands use social media accounts to promote offers and much more. For these reasons, it is important to have a good internet connection, so you can upload media quickly and get on with it. Sometimes the picture or the video file can be quite heavy, which means that it takes some time to upload and most times, the process will just fail, especially due to the poor internet connection. This is why it is necessary to get a stable internet connection, especially if your job is dependent on media and file sharing.

Seamless Gaming Experience

When it comes to gaming, you must have a speedy internet connection so that you can keep up with the game. If you are a professional gamer, then you must also be in the habit of streaming your games. So, this is one of the many times when having a speedy internet connection plays in your favor. Playing multiplayer online games requires a lot of internet bandwidth and a speedy internet connection will be perfect for it.

Smooth Video Conferences

As we mentioned in one of the points above, you need a speedy internet connection to work from home. Another thing that comes with working from home is attending video calls and conferences for your work or personal life. We all know how choppy the video quality can be when the internet connection is slower than usual. Unfortunately, this isn’t something that you can fix by turning off and then on your phone or modem. In fact, this is a clear indication that you need a speedy internet connection. While in some cases, you can just turn off the video and make use of audio-only calls, in a professional setting, it is required to have your video on. So, to avoid the embarrassment of a choppy video and audio quality, just get a high-speed internet connection.


These were the reasons you need a speedy internet connection to power up your home. We hope that you have realized the importance of a good internet speed, especially one that is suited to the number of people in your home and the number of devices you have. If you do realize the importance of good internet speed, but cannot understand which one you want or should get, just seek the help of a customer service agent or a salesperson at the store.

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